This is the very first one, made all the way back in 1999. Originally, it was a shockwave design, and done up in pen. It took me squite awhile to figure out what I wanted, but one day the naswer just hit me. Overlay the letters ontop of each other! And I pulled the edges out for more style.
The first venture into Photoshop with it. Using what I knew that the time, which was very little ^_-
This is as big as it gets, don't click on it.
This was the very first title page for the site. Made back in 99. Oh how badly it's put together. The background is somewhat okay, but I just pasted the N right on there. I didn't know what I was doing, okay? =P
1 Year later, redone over completely, with a new style to the N.
When I graduated AIP, I made this my header logo. It was actually what I made for the cover of my demo tape. Fox making my logo with lightning. Kind of ironic huh? I made Fox.. but he makes me.. or my logo. However you look at it.
The blue lightning N was taken away from Fox, and put all by itself for the point of a sticker on my tapes, but I actually ended up using it for something else later on. Basically, this is the N logo in Fox's theme.
This, is the N logo as if it was Red's theme. Exploding and on fire and all that great stuff. The funny part is that this is somewhat back to the original shatter/shockwave style.
And combined! As a suggestion from my brother, The two halfs were split down the \ part of the N, in somewhat of a yin-yang feel. I made this to represent where I want in my life at the time, which was with red now being a huge important character, almost as much as Fox, and even more in some ways.
This is just something else I drew for y sketchbook #5 (even if it was really more like #8 in the number of books I have..)
I did it once in an air terminal, on the inside cover. Just because I didn't feel like doing anything else at the time! It's all pretty decent except for the chaos arrows kind of thing in the middle. But it was pen.. so no going back.
This time around I made a shot up looking "6". Or at least, it was supposed to be. I got way carried away with it and you can barely see anything now, but to help redeem myself, I drew Red on the opposite page, pointing at it. And luckily THAT drawing turned out much better! But the N logo thing was pretty much a failure for this one >.<
Over the years I've made various logos for myself, starting all the way back in high school. Usually, it's posted on the site for a year, and them reomved, never to be seen again. But since I have so many now, I figured I'd make a page to show them off. It's logo evolution!