The Gallery of: Myself
You asked for it. You got it.
Expect complete randomness here. I play with my digital camera sometimes and take pictures to send to someone I'm having a conversation with. It helps add to the impact or emotion. And 100% of it is for joking around. 
So I'll add to this as the pictures flow in. But yeah, randomness, thats what you get here.
And probably more of me that you ever wanted to see!
THAT will teach you to harass me for it..
Me being normal.
And these are far
and few between..
Oh so happy!
Kyle tells me to be afraid he's
coming to UT.
This photo got people calling
me "Shaggy".
But this is how I REALLY feel
about that
"Give me something to
draw on"

Draw on THIS!

"O.O christ.. you are satan.."
"Act like a dork!"
Full of Loooooove..
Anime style.. with ink lines and
Now time to play with PS a bit..
I am the one..
Alright maybe not.
But I can fake it!
WHAT did you just say to me?
Oh thats right, I was
Hangin out with
And now.. fight!
My Hair as the longest
it's ever been.
Chopped short soon after
Stressed out + Extreme
durr... what was I doing..?
West siiiiiideee...
Me and Astra,
Trying to be scarier than the
lion behind us.
I can at least say I look
"scary" in the "what are you ON?" sense.
Ice cream with Kurt
Rockin out on the Millenium
Force at Cedar point.
That roller coaster..
Snapshot of me and Kurt on
The Mantis.
Also at Cedar Point
Seeing a pattern? This is from CP also. On the Mean Streak. A huge wooden rollercoaster.
Way up high on Mt Tallac. A 9700 ft Mountain in the Lake Tahoe area.  Thats my aunt in the photo. She and her husband were HUGELY kind enough to take me along with them. That was one of the best trips of my life. Beautiful scenery, fantastic landscape.. weather.. it was just incredible. And scaling this mountain, was the highest I've ever been. Outside of a plane, anyway.
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