The Gallery of: Friends
The friends steal the spotlight for a page. I'm sure you're probably here because you ARE  a friend and are looking for yourself on this page! AREN'T YOU? But anyway, this page has a bunch (not all) of pictures with friends offline and online. And sometimes both.
This Is Astra. "Darkemoone" AOL name. I knew her for years in the RP world, and then when I moved to SF, finally got to meet!
Also, she's not innocent..
Astra and Leah.
"She did it"
Leah "Silvermoonshade" AOL name. Same deal as with Astra. Aint the internet cool?
And yes, thats my hat.
Brian King "SteelBlueRage". He's a drummer in Texas! And the guy I did the IMaGE logos for. Check out thier site, here.
Vic "Revaelty" Who will kill me for putting this up.
Even Superman wets himself
Will And John (Jed) Cormier. Jed's a long time friend from even before Brian!
Brian Krueger, one of my longest friends way back from like.. 6th grade.
Acting as a poster boy for the Darien Lake Coaster: The Mind Eraser
Mike, Will, Marcus, and Brian on the Superman
This is Brandon "SonGopan" Who lives very close to Astra and Leah. We've hung out a whole lot since I moved out here.
And now we battle..
Mike Gee, like Will, a good friend from college. Actually best friends themself, and also along for the Darien Lake trip.
Me and jed on the Superman ride. If you've seen my shirt, this is the ride! Not that you can actually SEE it..
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Kyle Rickard "DragonNoah". Showing his social skills
Online Friends
Hi Mom! oh- AUGH!
More of an Aquaintence through Brian, Marcus is a cool guy though.
The Shark gets another one...
Will Watkins, a good friend from when I was at AIP. He actually drive up to NY to hang out at darien lake in the summer of 2003! That was awesome!
Ali! Who has been basically the longest online friend I've had. And fellow artist. He works with me on the comic, and DRFand we did this together.. and here is his site.. And some fanart. Yeah We've done a helluva lot. Even more than all that!
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